Abundance of Fresh Produce

Summer is the best time of year for fresh, local product and nothing hits the spot more than a slice of tomato on a BLT, or a cold piece of watermelon for lunch. Zucchini, carrots, squash, melons, cucumbers, and tomatoes of all sizes show up in the break rooms at work with the invitations to “help yourself, please!” And we hear gardeners asking to no one in particular, “What on earth was I thinking when I planted all these tomato plants?” Of course we are more than happy to reap the benefits, so to speak, of their labors, knowing full well that there is no comparison between fresh products and that which is processed.

Here in Chester County, where lots of us have small gardens of luscious fruits and veggies, for some people that produce is not part of their diet. It certainly is available in our stores and stands but the cost is prohibitive and processed food is cheaper and more accessible. While a can of tomatoes at the supermarket is 89 cents, fresh tomatoes are $1.99 a pound. Did you know that in the US 22 million children receive lunch during the school year through the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), but in the summer and when school is closed, alternate food sources that may cost their families, must be found for these children? Qualifying seniors may receive $20 in government vouchers to purchase fresh produce. People on a limited budget just have fewer options for purchasing food. It is true, nutritionally there is litter difference between fresh, canned, or frozen fruits and veggies, but NOTHING beats fresh produce, especially when it’s readily available.

If you are a gardener with an abundance of fresh produce, please consider contacting your local food pantry and donate your excess. ALL pantries that serve the community have a very limited budget, operating week to week based on donations, often turning away those in need. If you do not know of a local pantry where you may donate your bounty, please contact Fiorenza’s Food for Friends (F4). F4 is an unpaid broker who helps facilitate partnerships for nonprofit agencies that feed the hungry. The vision of F4 is to eradicate world hunger by connecting sources of food to recipients in need.

Please visit our website, Facebook page, or contact Brenda Russell a brussell@f4service.org, 610-955-7090, with specific questions.

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